Worldcoin users can scan their eyes and get the unique ‘IrisCode’ from the 1500 orbs in 35 cities across 20 countries|Twitter

ChatGPT maker Sam Altman’s ambitious digital currency and user-identification network, the all-in-one solution that will distinguish humans from AI online—Worldcoin—launched Monday in 20 countries.

The project uses an iris scanner called the Orb to secure a human’s identity and pays them cryptocurrency in exchange.

Currently, the U.S. doesn’t allow free crypto payments. Nevertheless, people can scan their eyes and get the unique IrisCode from the 1500 Orbs in 35 cities, including Miami and New York.

Worldcoin’s founders Alex Blania and Sam Altman believe their project can “eventually show a potential path to AI-funded UBI (Universal Basic Income).” UBI is a social welfare format where every citizen gets guaranteed money for survival.

Though the idea of sharing one’s biometrics sounds like a nightmare straight out of a Black Mirror and Westworld episode, Worldcoin has already collected data from 2 million users during the beta period. 

The project has received severe criticism from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for taking advantage of people from low-income countries by incentivizing them to provide their personal information.

Per TechCrunch magazine, Worldcoin does not have enough cybersecurity and is prone to hacking. Passwords were stolen from its Orb operators in May.