Netflix is betting on The Sandman to revive numbers|Netflixlat|via Giphy

A multi-million dollar screen adaptation of a cult comic series—‘The Sandman’, published over 30 years ago—is proving to be an instant hit. It’s a glimmer of hope for Netflix.

The streaming giant, reeling from dwindling subscribers, will stream 10 episodes of the comic book. It’s a big, bold story of gods and demons, with an even bigger budget—rumored at a staggering $135 million.

It is obvious that Netflix is trying to push the odds in its favor by taking as much advantage as it can from Neil Gaiman’s award-winning animated series.

Netflix lost over a million subscribers this year and this new DC adaptation may be the first step for the production firm to push up its subscriber count.

This is not the first Gaiman book that’s been adapted for the screen. In 2017, Amazon Prime produced a series based on ‘American Gods’, and even though the show got rave reviews, it was canceled after three seasons due to an escalating budget.