Despite its release during the five-day Thanksgiving holidays, Strange World’ managed to obtain only $18.6 million stateside|@strangeworld|via Twitter

Disney’s ‘Strange World’ fell flat at the box office, with estimates showing the latest animated film would lose over $100 million in its theatrical run.

Despite its release during the five-day Thanksgiving holidays, the animation feature managed a total gross of $18.6 million stateside, over that period. Experts blame Disney’s lack of marketing for the loss.

The movie grossed $11.9 million domestically over the weekend from 4,174 North American theaters.

Disney’s ‘Encanto’, released last Thanksgiving, grossed over $40 million during the Wednesday to Sunday holiday period.

Films released during this holiday stretch performed poorly at the box office, except for Disney’s other division movie—Marvel Studios' ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’. The film dominated the box office for three weeks in a row, grossing $64 million during the extended holiday.

The performance of ‘Strange World’ has brought CEO Bob Iger into the spotlight as it remains to be seen what he plans to do to revive Disney’s magic.