The lawsuit claims that the Biden administration approved the Willow oil project, despite knowing the environmental harm it would inflict upon Arctic communities, wildlife and the entire Alaskan North Slope ecosystem|Denali National Park and Preserve|CC BY 2.0

Just two days after President Joe Biden’s administration approved it, a lawsuit has been filed by six environmental groups to stop the ConocoPhillips’ Willow oil drilling project in Alaska.

The suit claims that the administration waved a green flag to the Willow oil project, despite knowing the environmental harm it would inflict upon Arctic communities, wildlife and the entire Alaskan North Slope ecosystem.

“The Biden administration has failed to listen to the science, the voices of Native leaders in the region and millions of people across America who have pleaded for the protection of air quality, subsistence resources and the global climate by rejecting Willow,” said a representative from one of the green groups.