A 2023 survey of 11,201 people shows that 28% of Americans fall into non-religious category

A recent Pew Research Center study reveals more than 1 in 4 American adults identify as “religious nones,” a category that includes atheists, agnostics and people associated with no religion.

The data is based on a 2023 survey of 11,201 respondents and shows that 28% of Americans fall into the “nones” category, with 17% identifying as atheist, 20% as agnostic, and 63% as “nothing in particular.”

“Nones” surpassed Catholics (23%) and Evangelical Protestants (24%) in the Pew survey.

The report indicates not all “nones” are anti-religious and that most of them have varying views on the impact of religion.

Despite being raised in religious households, several of them indicate their questioning of religious teachings or disbelief in God as reasons for their non-religious stance.

But the majority still believe in God or a higher power. Only 29% completely reject the idea of any higher power. Additionally, 10% regularly attend religious services.