Fred McGriff (middle) makes it to the Hall of Fame as the committee passed over Barry Bonds (left) and Roger Clemens (right)|Onetwo1; baseballhall; KA Sports Photos|CC BY-SA 3.0; via Twitter; CC BY-SA 2.0

The Crime Dog is headed to Cooperstown. The Contemporary Era Committee unanimously voted Fred McGriff into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, bypassing Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.

The five-time All-Star baseman played for six MLB teams over 19 seasons. McGriff also contributed to Atlanta’s victory during the 1995 World Series.

Bonds and Clemens
Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens received less than four votes each, falling short of receiving one of the biggest honors in their baseball career. 

Both the players were left out despite their significant career achievements, as the committee passed them for allegedly using performance-enhancing drugs—an allegation they have refused.

Bonds and Clemens would likely be left off the ballot when the committee meets again in three years.