Tickets for the World Cup final average around $812, per the study|@FIFAWorldCup|via Twitter

Soccer fans in Qatar will shell out about 40% more for tickets than what spectators paid for the 2018 FIFA in Russia, as tickets for the final average around $812, says a study.

According to the study by Keller Sports, in 2014 fans paid a little above $95 for a seat but Qatar FIFA match tickets average around $130, making it the most expensive World Cup game ever in the last 20 years.

According to the study, “the construction of six new stadiums and the complete renovation of two other arenas in the country are said to have cost around $3 billion.” Add to this the cost of reconstructing the international airport and expanding the infrastructure in Doha.

As costs add up for hosting the World Cup, it is hardly surprising that the tickets are the most expensive World Cup tickets on average.