Ronna McDaniel’s past support for Donald Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims and her swift transition to media work has sparked the controversy|Gage Skidmore|CC BY-SA 2.0

NBC News is in hot waters as the veteran anchor Chuck Todd criticized the network for hiring Ronna McDaniel, former head of the Republican National Committee (RNC), as a paid contributor.

Todd added that several NBC journalists are uncomfortable with the hiring. He expressed discomfort over McDaniel’s credibility and potential conflicts of interest, suggesting she may prioritize her contract over truthfulness.

NBC hasn’t responded to the former Meet the Press moderator’s comment but did state on Friday that McDaniel’s hiring would provide an insider perspective on national politics and the Republican Party.

Hiring politicians as commentators is common, but McDaniel’s past support for Donald Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims and her swift transition to media work has sparked the controversy.

McDaniel has acknowledged Biden’s legitimate victory but maintained there were issues in the 2020 election.